Bukit Plangon Cirebon

Bukit Plangon Cirebon

The Hindu-style gate immediately welcomes visitors as soon as visitors enter this natural tourist park wrapped in religion in Cirebon Regency, West Java. Climbing hundreds of steps, visitors will find the tomb of a prominent Muslim spreader in Cirebon. This nature tour and pilgrimage is called Plangon, located on a lush hill with teak trees to decorate it. Geographically, the Plangon Site is located in Babakan Village, Sumber District, Cirebon, West Java. Occupying an area of ​​48 hectares, Plangon nature tourism is only 16 km from the center of Cirebon City, or can be reached in just 45 minutes. Interestingly, when visiting the Plangon Site, visitors will see a herd of monkeys that are allowed to roam freely around this tourist area. It is said that initially there were only a pair of monkeys brought by Pangeran Panjunan from a visit to Aceh. However, due to the precise location and geographic fit, this herd of monkeys breed and become residents of Plangon Hill. This herd of monkeys is the main attraction for visitors. Mingle and mingle with them is a special fun. The method of summoning the monkeys is also very unique, namely by hitting an old tree with a hole in the middle, suddenly the monkeys will come down by themselves.



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